Final Film Opening The Disciples Back on the Block

Production Diary

Here is our production diary, we kept a record of what we did day to day for 2 weeks whilst we were planning, filming and editing our opening sequence of our film, The Disciples. This will be useful for us to look back on as we can see what we did wrong and also what went went well and how well we used the time given to us to film.
We had already been assigned our groups and i was put into a group with Nathan Lorenzo and Connor Healey.

Previously we had created 

10th November
We had previously made individual film pitches which we were able to show  to our group, we then decided on one of the films to make an opening to. We decided to go with Nathan's idea which was about a once famous duo called The Disciples who were a major musical hit back in the day and now making a comeback. We all decided that this would be the best idea to film and would be the most fun to plan, film and edit. We had to make sure the film pitch was perfect and make any alterations we though it needed before we were to present it to the class in the next lesson.

11th November
This lesson we presented our film pitch to the class as a group and we asked people to give us  feedback on what they would do differently and what they would change to make it better, we then used that to  make out film pitch perfect so we knew exactly what we were going to be filming.

12th November
Today we looked at films that were similar to the ones that we would be making the opening to. We has 3 films that we thought were most similar to our film that we wanted to make, these three films are One Direction's 'This Is Us', Michael Jackson's 'This Is It', and also one other 'Spinal Tap' which was most like our film as it was more of a mock of a band rather than a serious film about singers and their travels. We focused on how the titles were presented and how they opened the films and noted down anything that would help us with ours.

13th November
We carried on looking at similar films again today and continued making notes on anything that we could include in our film opening.

14th November
Today we were all individually working and keeping our blogs up to date and making sure our lap charts were up to date too.

15th November

16th November

17th November
We all wrote in our lap charts all of the tasks that needed to be done in order to prepare and plan for the film, we then split these up so we all had a equal amount of work to do.

18th November
We were all getting on individually with our tasks given to us, I was doing audience research whilst Nathan did market research and Connor started making a script.

19th November
This lesson we were carrying on with our tasks and we also came up with the name for out film - The Disciples Back on the Block. The Disciples being the duo that is making a comeback.

20th November
Today we were all doing another one of the tasks we were all set. Nathan was doing the institution task and Connor was carrying on with the script that he was previously working on. I was making the storyboard for our film opening which I found quite challenging.

21st November
Today we were all making sure our blogs were up to date and had everything it needed on there.

22nd November

23rd November

24th November
We started filming today as we felt we had done enough preparation to be able to start shooting.

25th November
We were carrying on filming and I made a few alterations to the storyboard I had previously created as we wanted to change a few things as we were filming.

26th November
We spent today finishing off all our planning for the film opening individually and making sure we would be prepared to film for the next few days and know what we are filming.

27th November
We were filming for all of today's lesson, we found it quite easy as the shots we had to get were easy to film indoors.

28th November
We were filming again today, this time it was more difficult as we were shooting outside and we found it harder to get the perfect shot without being interrupted.

29th November

30th November

1st December
We were filming again today and making sure we had all the shots we needed and making sure that they were perfect for us to start editing.

2nd December
Connor started to edit the footage today, we used the green screen to film another part of the opening and Connor was working on some edits that would be included in the opening.

3rd December
We had started adding in the footage to the Premier software, me and Nathan went out to film again as we were not happy with one of the shots that were taken so we did that whilst Connor stayed inside editing and creating more edits.

4th December
Connor continued editing and me and Nathan were catching up with our planning that we missed and also making sure our blogs were up to date.

5th December
Today was the first deadline for the first draft of our film opening, unfortunately we had not got very far with our first draft but the teachers and peers were all very impressed by how well edited and timed it was.

6th December

7th December

8th December
After receiving feedback from the first draft we started making changes and making the opening scene more completed than before which was one of the improvements that needed to be made.

9th December
Me and Nathan we continuing with any research we missed before and Connor continued editing.

10th December
We all made sure our blogs were up to date today.

11th December
Connor got a lot further with the editing and the opening was nearly complete, me and Nathan we making sure all the shots were there and telling Connor if there was anything wrong with what he had done.