Final Film Opening The Disciples Back on the Block

Individual Film Pitch

The following is the film pitch I presented to my group, Mel and Connor. This includes what our film should be about, what I envisaged the opening scene to be and what I hope to see as the final product.

I would name the title of the film, the name of the group, which at the staged I did not come up with as I did not wanted the rest of my group input as I believe no great idea is created by one person; however I thought the name of the group would work best for my chosen genre, a MOCKUMENTRY. This would work best because it would follow the lives of a failed duo trying to make a comeback with this new film and doing research ALL movies about singers or performers included the title of them or the band, followed with a sub-title. For instance - 'One Direction - This Is Us'. This movie would be about two struggling performers who had great success with their two previous albums and had string of big hits; however they was dropped from their record label because a big story exposing one of them lost them their fame. So now, with their new album coming out, a tour, a movie and putting their past behind them, hopefully they'll succeed and reclaim their throne of pop power once again. Do they get their? It shall be set in various places, as I did not want to limit myself to vast opportunities of places we could film. For instance, one shot could be of them in the recording studio and another could be them walking around their local supermarket. The themes of this movie displays the struggles of a fallen stars and the rise back to the top and its illustrates what they have to encounter on a daily basis, for example delving back into their private lives which heavily centred round dugs and alcohol. The films message is that everyone goes through a struggle no matter what walk of life you come from. I feel my target audience is from the ranges of 15 all the way up to 30 as I feel this would most likely be the bands fan base and I feel they would pay to see this film purely because it would be them breaking the fourth wall and viewing the band as they have never seen them before. I would put an age certificate of 15 on this short film because the film contains traces of drug abuse and a few explicit content to be rated any lower. The opening sequence is going to consist of a variety of different shots and scenes and it will address the setting and the two main characters; it will capture the genre of this piece by using Mise en Scene. This will include locations that you would typically associate a recording artist at (recording studio, album cover shoot, interviews) and costumes specific to the characters (sunglasses as they think they are global success') The style and mood are both going to work well together, quite laugh out loud but believable, as we need the audience to truly believe that these people are actually famous. The titles will be integrated in many ways, many shall be embedded in the picture and various graphical techniques shall be used to create a visually artistic and stimulating opening sequence.