Final Film Opening The Disciples Back on the Block

From the start of the production we always knew that we wanted to make a song to accompany the production. Even though we couldn't sing well if we wanted too, it is intentionally bad. This adds to the characters persona's by showing to the viewer the reason why our characters are on the slope to the bottom. Sadly, we didn't get to use the song in the final film but i felt it should be uploaded due to the effort (or lack of) put into it. Here is The Disciples comeback single: Live For God.



 Live for god,
Shake his hand,
Praise the lord for this holy band,
Live for god,
Shake his hand,
Praise the lord for this holy band,

 Like a bird soaring high,
Reach to god and touch the sky,
Thank him for the life we live,
And a passionate prayer ill give,
Thank god for this land of heather,
I just wish that i could live forever,

 Live for god,
Shake his hand,
Praise the lord for this holy band,
Live for god,
Shake his hand,
Praise the lord for this holy band,

 He took my dreams and made them true honey,
Gave me the fame and the money,
Showed me love and made me funny,
Everyday he clears my sky and makes it sunny,
His son was born in December,
And on the 25th we shall remember,


 Coming up from the hood man,
Where the druggys kill each other for a tin can,
Mad 8 year olds cruising with they hoods up,
Drinking special brew from their old sippy cups,
If a boy ever threatens me they better run,
Cos a gangster never leaves the house without a gun,
Come from the city repping shit like everyday,
Cos you know in chelmsford that we get paid,
Keep it thoro I've never been a fake g,
On my own style like the boys mobb deep,
You clowns fuck around and die today,
Shots through you like a motherfucking x-ray,
 People ask me when the next album drop,
They wanna hear that chart motherfucking hip-hop,
Paired with chief Keith and his mad pop,
Next album diss-ciples back on the block,
Go ahead Hit em up Keith


x 2 Live for god,
Shake his hand,
Praise the lord for this holy band Live for god,
Shake his hand,
Praise the lord for this holy band

Production Diary

Here is our production diary, we kept a record of what we did day to day for 2 weeks whilst we were planning, filming and editing our opening sequence of our film, The Disciples. This will be useful for us to look back on as we can see what we did wrong and also what went went well and how well we used the time given to us to film.
We had already been assigned our groups and i was put into a group with Nathan Lorenzo and Connor Healey.

Previously we had created 

10th November
We had previously made individual film pitches which we were able to show  to our group, we then decided on one of the films to make an opening to. We decided to go with Nathan's idea which was about a once famous duo called The Disciples who were a major musical hit back in the day and now making a comeback. We all decided that this would be the best idea to film and would be the most fun to plan, film and edit. We had to make sure the film pitch was perfect and make any alterations we though it needed before we were to present it to the class in the next lesson.

11th November
This lesson we presented our film pitch to the class as a group and we asked people to give us  feedback on what they would do differently and what they would change to make it better, we then used that to  make out film pitch perfect so we knew exactly what we were going to be filming.

12th November
Today we looked at films that were similar to the ones that we would be making the opening to. We has 3 films that we thought were most similar to our film that we wanted to make, these three films are One Direction's 'This Is Us', Michael Jackson's 'This Is It', and also one other 'Spinal Tap' which was most like our film as it was more of a mock of a band rather than a serious film about singers and their travels. We focused on how the titles were presented and how they opened the films and noted down anything that would help us with ours.

13th November
We carried on looking at similar films again today and continued making notes on anything that we could include in our film opening.

14th November
Today we were all individually working and keeping our blogs up to date and making sure our lap charts were up to date too.

15th November

16th November

17th November
We all wrote in our lap charts all of the tasks that needed to be done in order to prepare and plan for the film, we then split these up so we all had a equal amount of work to do.

18th November
We were all getting on individually with our tasks given to us, I was doing audience research whilst Nathan did market research and Connor started making a script.

19th November
This lesson we were carrying on with our tasks and we also came up with the name for out film - The Disciples Back on the Block. The Disciples being the duo that is making a comeback.

20th November
Today we were all doing another one of the tasks we were all set. Nathan was doing the institution task and Connor was carrying on with the script that he was previously working on. I was making the storyboard for our film opening which I found quite challenging.

21st November
Today we were all making sure our blogs were up to date and had everything it needed on there.

22nd November

23rd November

24th November
We started filming today as we felt we had done enough preparation to be able to start shooting.

25th November
We were carrying on filming and I made a few alterations to the storyboard I had previously created as we wanted to change a few things as we were filming.

26th November
We spent today finishing off all our planning for the film opening individually and making sure we would be prepared to film for the next few days and know what we are filming.

27th November
We were filming for all of today's lesson, we found it quite easy as the shots we had to get were easy to film indoors.

28th November
We were filming again today, this time it was more difficult as we were shooting outside and we found it harder to get the perfect shot without being interrupted.

29th November

30th November

1st December
We were filming again today and making sure we had all the shots we needed and making sure that they were perfect for us to start editing.

2nd December
Connor started to edit the footage today, we used the green screen to film another part of the opening and Connor was working on some edits that would be included in the opening.

3rd December
We had started adding in the footage to the Premier software, me and Nathan went out to film again as we were not happy with one of the shots that were taken so we did that whilst Connor stayed inside editing and creating more edits.

4th December
Connor continued editing and me and Nathan were catching up with our planning that we missed and also making sure our blogs were up to date.

5th December
Today was the first deadline for the first draft of our film opening, unfortunately we had not got very far with our first draft but the teachers and peers were all very impressed by how well edited and timed it was.

6th December

7th December

8th December
After receiving feedback from the first draft we started making changes and making the opening scene more completed than before which was one of the improvements that needed to be made.

9th December
Me and Nathan we continuing with any research we missed before and Connor continued editing.

10th December
We all made sure our blogs were up to date today.

11th December
Connor got a lot further with the editing and the opening was nearly complete, me and Nathan we making sure all the shots were there and telling Connor if there was anything wrong with what he had done.

The Disciples Close To Finished

From the feedback that we received from our peers, we all decided collectively as a group to discard the last scene of the interview which included myself and Melanie in it as people felt like it did not fit in with our opening scene. So therefore we decided to add two different scenes of myself and Connor doing voice overs to various shots of us. I decided to juxtapose Connor's serious tone with a funny, more uplifting tone as we needed to add an element of comedy as we did not have it yet. So in changing all of these shots, the structure and line up of our previous opening scene had changed, which i believes makes it less of a trailer looking scene and more of an opening sequence. We still have a few bits to add in still, such as Connors interview and myself and Connor singing when we was a duet.

The Disciples Feedback From Class

Our feedback was very pleasing as most of it was very positive. Here is what some of the feedback said.

1. Can the genre of the film be identified and how?
Many people could identify our film genre being a documentary by the opening which was very pleasing. However some people did say that they thought it was a mockumentary which it is almost bordering but people still knew it to be some sort of documentary which was good.

2. What went well?
Most of the feedback said that the editing was 'outstanding' and that the concept was very good. Also we were told many of our shots were good too.

3. Even better if?
Many people did not like our interview but that was because it was not filly edited. I now think that we are going to take it out of the film opening and put something else in instead.

4. Does the film present an adequate enigma?
Most of the feedback said yes 

The average of the overall grade was between 40-50/60

First Draft - The Disciples

Today myself, Connor and Melanie showed our class the first draft of our film. Taking into account that it was not entirely finished with editing and i did not like the ending shot of the interview as i felt it did not look as good as the rest of the opening sequence, i felt it did not flow and fit in with the rest of our film as it just appeared out of nowhere. We felt we did not have enough time to make it perfect, we were happy with the outcome but we will still be making a few changes and alterations.

Newspaper Article Thats Features In Our Opening Sequence.

Connor also came up with this idea of showing the split of the two singers through a form of media. He then decided to choose the front cover of the newspaper as being the best way to illustrate to the audience that they split up but now are getting back together, which will all make sense when you watch the final product of our opening sequence. He thought that it would including this form of media would illustrate and play a strong role in conveying the characters comedown from the peak of pop culture, to just being another failed duo, choosing The Sun, he created this above. I believe this truly captures the audiences attention and now they start to believe that this is real life.

Possible 30 Second Filler

While trying to decide what shots we should be using in the opening sequence, Connor thought it would be a really good idea for myself and him to retrieved images of us when we was younger and to put them in the first 30 seconds or so of our opening sequence. Connor was inspired from watching other documentaries of singers which also features some images of them while they was younger.You will be able to notice this technique being used in One Direction's film This Is Us, where it shows an montage of all the boys with pictures from when they were all younger. In the end, we decided not to go with this idea because we simply found it had no real relevance for us and we decided to go in another direction.

Basic Script - Nathan's (Keith) Monologue While Walking.

Nathan- My name is Keith Abraham Lovesworth, but you'll know me by my stage name...Keith. I currently reside in sunny Bolton, where the sun always shines and the children fill the air with their laughter. God has touched me in many ways, one of which is the blessing that is The Disciples. I've recently served my one year sentence, but i shan't go into that. I am now a free man and i'm raring to get back with my musical soulmate...C.Dot......And I love it.

This is my first script. Throughout the editing process, Connor might cut bits of my speech out to make it fit in with the rest of the opening sequence.

Blog reflection

Technology - Have you learned new online programmes for showing off work? Have you tried new premiere effects that you haven't told us about
I have learned how to use Prezzi which is a programme for presenting powerpoints. You can add pictures and present information in different ways and make the themes different. I think by using this programme i has given me another way to present my research in a different way other than powerpoint and just a normal blog post. Another programme i have learned to use much better is premier, i felt really comfortable using it when doing my Juno task and my Prelim task and i even got used to using some of the effects that can enhance the look of the video.
What mark out of 20 is it so far?
 I would say that my blog is about a 10/20 because i need to catch up on a lot of the work but the content of my work is detailed and well presented, however i do want to add more pictures and images to make the blog look more interesting and so it is not all just writing. So i will need to add my production diary, and evidence of planning.

Where could you be a little more thorough or a little less complacent?
I think most of my blog posts are thorough and i have gone into much detail in them to make sure i understand what i am talking about. I think to help me understand anything i am unsure of i can apply the theory i have done to the media or films that i watch so i know how to use all of the theory in the right way and so i know what i am talking about.

Is it fun to look through?
My blog is definitely interesting to look through but i need to add more images and videos to make it more fun and appealing. I would like to have either a photo or video to go with every blog post so i know i still need to add more. The information i have is well written and the images and videos i have at the moment vast differences to make sure i dont always focus on one genre to apply my theory to.

Is the learning journey (blaaaghh) evident?
Where i have had to do film pitches and planning for a task i have definitely tried to apply the theory i have done to my work. I like to add it in to show that i understand it and know how to use it in the correct way. I think i still have a lot to do and i need to look back on my work and make sure i understand everything i have written.
Three targets to improve blog - research or planning (have you thoroughly covered all key media concepts - forms and conventions of your film , audience, institution, representation

  • I need to make sure my blog is kept up to date all the time.
  • I need to do the work when it is given to us or as soon as i can afterwawrds.
  • I need to make sure i apply the theory and make sure i understand what i have been taught fully.

Basic Script - Connor's (C.Dot's) Interview

Before this interview there will be a shot of Nathan and Connor turning to look at each other after Nathan's interview

Mel - people might look at the two of you and think it's quite an unconventional partnership

Connor - [pause] what are you trying to say?

Mel - Well it's a gospel singer and a rapper

Connor - Thats racist and there is no placism for racism in the music industry

After the interview it then goes on to the first film Logo coming up and the titles will start..

Basic Script - Nathan (Keith's) Interview

Mel - So what have you been up to since the split?

Nathan - Prison mainly, it was quite therapeutic really. I found Jesus, shared a cell with him. Lovely lad, hispanic, went by the name hey-zeus. [pause] In all seriousness though, i did find the church. i was born again.

Mel - Weren't you born again before the band?

Nathan - Yeah but this was more like an afterbirth.

Mel - Have you been in contact with C.Dot?

Nathan - [looks into the distance] I wonder where he is now?
Possible Opening Script for Nathan (Keith's) Interview. (Solo)

Keith's Monologue when being interviewed.
'As the new generation, my artistry and my faith and creativity is nothing to do with making it because we had kind of already made it, right? I mean when we were playing for nothing in the church it was still like we have made it, we still felt like we were superstars. I look out into that crowd and im like when the fuck did this happen? How did this happen? Who created this? Because I didn’t create this, its for sure, it must be God, its for sure Jesus because it is'nt me because im not ridiculous enough to think for a second that I am not powerful. We woke up one day and we were like, we made it… it worked... I told so many people for so long that I was a star and but I wasn’t and one morning I woke up and the delusion was real. I get to live my dream I get to hopefully live the dream in a way that inspires other people to live their dreams. I always knew it was my destiny but I didn’t know what destiny meant until I saw my fans, God and C.Dot until I saw the birth of the The Disciples. We are destiny, the fans are the truth and they are my reason for waking up in the morning to Moses my pitbull. I'm still the same person that I was, before all of this happened I still walked down the same streets, go to the same Church, I drink my camomile tea with extra shot of basic.'
My group thought it would be a good idea to include various shots of me walking round a city, sitting in different places and just shots of me in various locations. This was all inspired by watching a opening to Lady Gaga's MonsterBall DVD. It will occasionally go back to the interview which will include myself as Keith and Mel as the interviewer from HBO

The Disciples Comeback Song

You see a snap shots of this song being recorded in the first 20 seconds of the opening sequence. Although this has been written, some of the lyrics might have changed slightly. The name of the song is 'Live For God'.


Live for God,
Shake his hand,
Praise the Lord for this Holy Band,
Live for God,
Shake his hand,
Praise the Lord for this Holy Band.

Like a bird soaring high,
Reach to God and touch the sky,
Thank him for the life we live,
And a passionate prayer I will give,
Thank God for this land of heather,
I just wish that I could live forever,

Live for God,
Shake his hand,
Praise the Lord for this Holy Band,
Live for God,
Shake his hand,
Praise the Lord for this Holy Band.

He took my dreams and made them true honey,
Gave me the fame and the life and the money,
Showed me love and showed me pride and made me funny,
Everyday he clears my sky and makes it sunny,
His son was born in December,
And on the 25th we shall remember.


Comin' up from the hood man,
Where the druggys kill each other for a tin can,
Mad 8 year olds cruising with they hoods up,
Drinking special brew from their old sippy cups.

If a boy ever threatens me they better run,
Cos a gangster never leaves his house without a gun,
Always wanted gold chain and some grey goose,
Now i'm in the club with 'em i'll set 'em loose.

Keeping it thoro i've never been a fake sheep,
On my own style like the boys mobb deep,
You clowns fuck around and die today,
Shots through you like a mother-fucking x-ray.

People ask me when the next album gon' drop,
They want that mixture of tight rap and hip-hop,
Paired with Chief Keith and his mad pop,
Next album Disciples Back On The Block.

Titles Research.

To research titles, I had to gather information on films from our given genre and analysis them. To begin with I had to research past films like 'Micheal Jackson's: This Is It', One Direction's: This Is Us' and finally 'This Is Spinal Tap', all of them being movie documentaries about famous bands, and even one of them being a mockumentary, the specific genre we are aiming for. I studied all three of these opening sequences and what I found in common with them is that the titles are simplistic and it shows a back story which is something we are aiming for.

Film Certificate

For mine, Connors and Melanie's film 'The Desciples: Back On The Block', we had to decide what film certificate to give it. When in the planning stages for our film, we decided that giving it an age rating of 15 would be most appropriate as from the outset we chose that our film will involve some traces of drug abuse and some scenes that younge viewers may find offensive, such as when Connor raps in the beginning of the open sequence, a swear word can be heard and generally his language when rapping is considered offensive. After doing some research i found that drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug missue. I believe we do not do this however we do show this openly and talk about it.

Mise En Scene

Mise En Scene

- Settings & Props- Costume, Hair & Make Up
- Facial Expressions & Body Language
- Lighting & Colour
- Positioning of Characters

As a lot of our film opening sequence will be taking place in various places, with it ranging from shots from outdoors to shots from being indoors, for instance our interview and us recording in the recording studio. It was simple to find a place outdoors as we wanted to illustrate C.Dot 'rough' time on the street, so therefore we had to find a place with a concrete wall that will represent the 'concrete jungle' of London, where C.Dot is from. Whereas for myself we wanted to portray that Keith is in owe of mother nature so we found various shots of areas with trees and grass to represent that Keith loves nature like God does because God created it, unlike man made things like concrete. This juxtaposition of these two characters work well as it becomes comical as Keith and C.Dot are not meant to be together as they do not look like the 'ordinary' perception of what we class as a duo. 

Our costume will also represent the characters and illustrate what kind of walk of life these two come from. For C.Dot my group decided to show him as a 'chav' with lots of gold chains, bandannas and bucket hats. This gives off the impression of C.Dot being a rough kid thats grown up on the streets, but C.Dot voice contradicts this all as he sounds geeky with a little stutter which the viewer will find amusing. For Keith, we wanted to portray him as holy, clean cut person. He clothes are all smart with various different shirts and one simple gold cross chain with a dog collar which makes him almost look like vicar which hopefully our audience funny as it contradicts C.Dot's costume so much.

Facial expressions will be important in our opening sequence as C.Dot is suppose portray someone who is very serious and means business with his face; as in a lot of the shots, C.Dot stars into the distance longingly and then stares at himself in the mirror with a blank expressions which gives our opening sequence a serious a tone but when C.Dot does a voice over in his geeky, it contradicts this and makes it now amusing to watch. This is also reciprocated with Keith in a lot of his shots he is in because he also looks into the distance longingly.

For the green screen shots and C.Dot's talking into the camera scene, we used a studio light as it reduces any imperfections and makes it look more professional, which is our group main aim. For the shots outside, we was limited by time as we had to film it, in sunny weather for Keith scene and for C.Dot's scene we needed it to be dark and gloomy to reflect his emotions. Pathetic fallacy would work well as The Disciples myself and C.Dot's existence, and when we are not together C.Dot is more affected than myself.

Risk Assessment Form

This is our risk assessment for our film, The Desciples: Back On The Block. Most of the risks are minimal however it is important that we recognise these risk as these can happen to us. This is for our safety over anything.


The Island Def Jam Music Group 

The Island Def Jam Music Group (IDJMG) was an American record label group formed in 1999 when the Universal Music Group (UMG) merged two of its daughter companies Island Recordings and Def Jam Recordings. In 2011, Motown Records was split from the Universal Motown Republic Group and was subsequently merged into The Island Def Jam Music Group. Barry Weiss served as Chairman and CEO of the company.[3] As of February 2014, artists on the IDJMG roster included Mariah CareyRihannaKanye West2 Chainz, and Iggy Azalea.On April 1, 2014, it was announced that Island Def Jam will no longer be running following the resigning of CEO Barry Weiss. The label will now be reorganizing Def Jam Recordings, Island Records and Motown Records all as separate entities. Being as our film is about a singing duo who is as big in the music industry as Rihanna and Kanye West, my group thought it would be ideal for our film to distributed by our 'record label' and a lot of films that are produced by music companies we have taken inspiration from, for instance One Directions movie and Lady Gaga's tour movie. We took a lot of our creativity from these two films in particular. One of the main reasons that we decided to chose this distributor is because they have had precious experience in producing films like ours. 

Interscope Pictures

Interscope Communications (also known as Interscope Pictures) was a motion picture production company founded in 1982 by Ted Field. Its divisions included Interscope Records (which was founded in 1990 as a joint venture with Atlantic Records).

Shooting schedule

This is our shooting schedule. This shows when we have planned to shoot our film opening. However our planned schedule could change due to the weather, illnesses or if we do not want to use that particular scene anymore. We may have to extend the dates to film if the weather is bad or just swap round the days and we may have to use the weekend of the 29/ 30th to get all our filming needed, done for editing on Monday 1/ 12 at school.

Synopsis Planning

What we will need:

  • Gold Chains, Sunglasses, Bandana, Snapback.
  • Green Screen, Lighting.
  • Room to interview in.
  • Microphone.
  • Recording Studio.
  • Sink, Tap and Mirror.
  • Brink Wall.
  • Pathway, Trees, Greenery.


  • Keith Abraham Lovesworth (Nathan)

In this I will be playing a religious, eccentric character who cannot sing but has made it big in the music industry with his singing partner C.DOT (Connor). He is a calming influence on Connor and the two are completely different personality wise but when they come together and sing, something just feels right.
  • Callum C.DOT Flewers (Connor) 
In this Connor plays an offensive, serious person who finds it hard to control is anger. He is the one that has the offensive lyrics which offends Keith's church but Keith overlooks this as he sees good in C.DOT.
  • Costume: 
For myself, the group felt as if he needed to always look formal, with various white or black shirts and formal jackets as we felt this would represent me as a religious figure, in one shot i dressed in all black with a white dog collar and a gold chain with with the symbol of Jesus to represent me as a 'Vicar' or 'Priest' which hopefully some people will find comical. Connor decided to dress in lots of gold chains with various hoodies, bandana's and snapbacks to represent him being from the streets of London which people will also hopefully find comical because it illustrates that we are two completely different people from different walks of life.

  • Location:
Our film opening will be located in various different locations such as recording studios, walkways, brick walls, interview rooms and an almost bathroom looking area.

  • Audience: 
We have pitched our audience to be between the ages of 15 and 30 however not excluding any ages over the age of 30. We did not think anyone younger should be able to view this because there will be traces of drug abuse and offensive language also our group envisaged our fans being older than 14 years or younger as they would be too young to be around when we was big. The film certificate is 15. 

Shot List

When filming we wanted to include as many different shots as we could. Here is a list of the shots we have chosen to film and hopefully include in our opening sequence:

1. Close up of Connor
2. Close up of Nathan
3. Panning shot (right to left) of Connor and Nathan in recording studio
4. Long shot of Connor standing
5. Mid shot of Connor sitting
6. Medium shot of Connor at the mirror
7. Close up of Connor looking in the mirror
8. Close up of hands by the tap
9. Medium shot of Connor washing his face
10. Close up of chain on tap
11. Close up of chain in sink
12. Medium shot of Connor and Nathan (at church)
13. Extreme long shot of Nathan walking towards the camera
14. Panning upwards of Nathan standing
15. Panning downwards/ birds eye view of Nathan lying on the grass
16. Close up of stepping in a puddle
17. Close up of Nathan's face
18. Long shot of Nathan walking towards camera
19. Close up/ panning left of Connor and Nathan

We will be adding more shots and we may not include all of the shots listen above in our film opening.

Planning Stages

                                                (I was the photographer) 

When in the planning stages, myself, Connor and Melanie was all trying to decide on which title would look the most professional as we were trying them out on the opening sequence. We then collectively as a group decided on one that did not have any bright, vibrant colour as we all thought it would be able to go with any colour if we needed to add a background, also some of the other designs made our group look like an 80's tribute band due to all the bright colours. So we went with the black and white one as it looks the most professional, is simplistic and looks visually stimulating.  You'll be able to see what logo we went with on my blog.

Audience Research.

Below is my colleagues presentation on audience research. She has discussed the target audience and also looked at other similar films and their kind of target audiences they wanted to appeal to.


Final Logo Choice

In the end, my group decided to go with this logo Connor created. We chose this because we felt the other logo gave off a very 80's inspired look with the colours that was used on them and one thing we are not, are 80's tribute artist. This logo represents us as a band, sleek, modern and pure. The white represents the pureness and the black background makes the writing stand out more; whereas the other colours on the background of the other logos do not make the writing the focal point whereas this does that.

The Disciples Logo.

When planning, it was clear that the characters need a band name. Myself Connor and Mel all wanted to decide on a name that sounded humorous and that contrasted the type of music that we put out. As Connor's lyrics are quite offensive. The final name we decided on was 'The Desciples' which i think works best as the name portrays holiness and purity; something the band is not. We also needed a logo for the band, which Connor created. Below are alternative logo's that Connor created.



Mood Board

In this particular lesson I was assigned a task to make a mood board consisting of all the sorts of things we would either like to show in our opening scene or something just to give us inspiration to work from it. A lot of the images are from other documentary films such as One Direction's This Is Us and Michael Jacksons' This Is It.

Final Movie Pitch
As a group we all collectively chose to go with my idea. The below is both mine and Connors film ideas we pitched to our group.

Connor's -

I would name my movie Freedom to Fail and i believe the genre would work best as a TEEN DRAMA. This would work well as we would have the correct resources actor wise to produce it. The movie would be ABOUT a struggling youth battling the grimy realities of a city. He is introduced in various scenes of him walking through the city, looking lost emotionally. It shall be SET IN London, but is not limited to the London settings, meaning we can film in locations similar to this area. The THEMES of the movie is to display the dramas and struggles that modern day inner-city youths are forced to encounter, for example drugs alcohol and violence. The films MESSAGE,  is that everyone goes through struggle, often not winning. I feel the TARGET AUDIENCE would pay to see it as it would effectively emulate and amplify their problems and they would be able to relate to it. I would put an age rating of 15 on this sort of film as it would contain too much explicit content to be rated any lower, thus meaning the target audience would be middle of the line teens to people in their middle twenties. The OPENING SEQUENCE will relate to the rest of the film by addressing the setting and some of the films key characters. It'll also capture the genre well by using a specific arrangement of Mise en Scene. This will include locations that often signify youths bad behaviour and costumes specific to the age range E.G. hoody's and caps. I feel good camera work and constant changing of angles will create a great opening. Although the character will only be partaking in minor events, if filmed correctly, the film should be engaging to the audience. The STYLE and MOOD are similar, both should be grimy and dark, this paints the image to the target audience that no one around this area is well off, and it is an overall struggle. The titles will be integrated in many ways, many shall be embedded in the picture and various graphical techniques shall be used to create a visually artistic opening sequence. I feel that DIALOGUE will be kept to a minimal in order to achieve my idea, this is due to silences connotations of loneliness and fear. CONTINUITY PRINCIPLES will be followed to create a fluid, medium length scene opening, I will eliminate fast scene changing as it would make the pace seem fast when actually it wouldn't be. SOUND will be primarily used in the form of music, I feel the music choice will be vital for my opening. I feel that this movie would be good as it WOULD NOT CONFORM to how movies often end: with a light at the end of the tunnel. The main character would not overcome his problem.
Nathan's -

As a whole I am happy that we chose to go with my idea as I feel this would work best in the sense of that it would be easy to film and if we did it right then it would be the best in our class,