Final Film Opening The Disciples Back on the Block

As you can clearly see in this movie poster, Scarlett Johansson is the main character and the story will soley focus around her and her journey. We can analysis this promotional poster by using 'Semiotics'. Semiotics is the study of the way in which images illustrate denotations and connotations.

Denotations: 'the literal or primary meaning of any given thing, in contrast to the feelings or the ideas the subject matter suggets'. So therefore the denotations of this poster are that of a women's face, close up and she is looking straight into the camera.

The denotations of this poster is that of a close up shot of a young womens face.

Connotations: an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.

The conotations of this movie gives a more extreme view of the person viewing it. We can grasp already from viewing the character that she looks extremely different from what we perceive as a
normal looking person would look like, simply by this womans eyes being a differnt colour, with the shade of her eyes almost being that of a universe and the pupil of her eye representing a black hole, this could all forshaddow what is going to happen to this women as it states that her brain capacity will hit 100% today and who could possiblely posses that much information. Also, the way have captured the sense of worldly knowledge but also an illusion of this persons innocence. The colours used are contrasting to eachother, the dark could illustrates the depth of knowledge this women possess' and the bright colour of her complection could illustrates the purity and innocence of her mind that she once owned. The text that has been used in the poster even illustrates and implies some sort of drug like substance that could mean that it takes over mind, body, soul and how the drug can make you superhuman. 'LUCY' screams out to audience power buyt purity in the use of colour they have used. This poster portrays exactly what it is intended to.