Final Film Opening The Disciples Back on the Block

Question 7: looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

How did you find the preliminary task and what was the hardest thing to overcome?

I found the prelim task to be challenging due to the limited time we had and the lack of locations we had access to. We also found it difficult because we had some previous experience with the Premier software but not enough for us to make the film look as good as we would have hoped. I felt that the camera shots we used were easy to film and we were very successful in doing so, I also found it easy to create a tense atmosphere when we used the flickering shots at the end of the film as we found the perfect location and we were very happy with the shot.
I would say the  hardest thing to overcome would be using Premier, I was not the best at using the software and I wish I had more time to spend editing the film as I think I could have done much better and made it look more professional and considering the amount of time I had, I was quite happy with the outcome.

Were you happy with the prelim task?

I would say that i was not completely happy with the final outcome of the short film as i felt we did not use our time wisely and we didn't a sufficient amount of different locations that no one would recognize. I felt we were limited to the amount of filming we could do because of the time of day and it was at a difficult time in the year when it got dark very quickly in the afternoon/evening when we needed shots in daylight. However considering the amount of time I had to edit and film I was not disappointed with the outcome.

How is your final film opening better than your final prelim task?

I found that being in a group with someone different and that has lots of experience using the software to an excessive level was very helpful and made us use our time more sufficiently. We also took a lot more time to film different shots many times until we were happy with the ones we got, we used a lot more range of shots and used the Premier software to enhance our opening sequence. We were not limited to time because we filmed inside for most of the shots which eliminated the difficulty of filming in daylight.

What do you think you have learnt from completing the coursework?

I have learnt how to use my time more wisely when planning, filming, and editing we were able to work together well and each of us were better at some things than others which evened out the work between us. We found the group that we were most comfortable with and who we worked the best with making it much easier to divide the work between us easily and decide who is best at what. I found that with all our different skills we made a good group that all got on well and worked at a very good level. Although some aspects of the planning, filming, and editing did take longer than expected they did all get finished and we were all very happy with the final outcome of our film opening. By bringing all of our ideas in together we all had our own input in parts of the opening meaning we were all happy with the final piece.