Final Film Opening The Disciples Back on the Block

Blog reflection

Technology - Have you learned new online programmes for showing off work? Have you tried new premiere effects that you haven't told us about
I have learned how to use Prezzi which is a programme for presenting powerpoints. You can add pictures and present information in different ways and make the themes different. I think by using this programme i has given me another way to present my research in a different way other than powerpoint and just a normal blog post. Another programme i have learned to use much better is premier, i felt really comfortable using it when doing my Juno task and my Prelim task and i even got used to using some of the effects that can enhance the look of the video.
What mark out of 20 is it so far?
 I would say that my blog is about a 10/20 because i need to catch up on a lot of the work but the content of my work is detailed and well presented, however i do want to add more pictures and images to make the blog look more interesting and so it is not all just writing. So i will need to add my production diary, and evidence of planning.

Where could you be a little more thorough or a little less complacent?
I think most of my blog posts are thorough and i have gone into much detail in them to make sure i understand what i am talking about. I think to help me understand anything i am unsure of i can apply the theory i have done to the media or films that i watch so i know how to use all of the theory in the right way and so i know what i am talking about.

Is it fun to look through?
My blog is definitely interesting to look through but i need to add more images and videos to make it more fun and appealing. I would like to have either a photo or video to go with every blog post so i know i still need to add more. The information i have is well written and the images and videos i have at the moment vast differences to make sure i dont always focus on one genre to apply my theory to.

Is the learning journey (blaaaghh) evident?
Where i have had to do film pitches and planning for a task i have definitely tried to apply the theory i have done to my work. I like to add it in to show that i understand it and know how to use it in the correct way. I think i still have a lot to do and i need to look back on my work and make sure i understand everything i have written.
Three targets to improve blog - research or planning (have you thoroughly covered all key media concepts - forms and conventions of your film , audience, institution, representation

  • I need to make sure my blog is kept up to date all the time.
  • I need to do the work when it is given to us or as soon as i can afterwawrds.
  • I need to make sure i apply the theory and make sure i understand what i have been taught fully.