Final Film Opening The Disciples Back on the Block

Genre Task

Genre - Comedy
In this shot my group tried to show the comedy genre by using props which would normally be seen as being comical looking on a male. I believe that the blonde wig and silver tinsel implys that the person in the shot has had a party which he cannot remember well; his facial expressions also illustates this. We thought the audience would find it humerous that he is looking at himself in the mirror because he doesnt really know what has happend to him let alone the audience so this also shows that there will be a lot of surpirses throughout the film.

Genre - Comedy 
In this shot my group tried to show the comedy genre by using a black afro wig which would be seen as humerous for the audience because the wig does not suit him what so ever. We thought it would also be good because the shot shows his head in a toliet which implys that he has had a good night.

Genre - Action Thriller
In this shot we illustrated the genre of thriller by James maintaing a serious face and looking straight at the camera, i believed that this would make the audience feel scared and the briefcase implys there is something in there that he doesnt want anyone to get as he is clutching it tightly.

Genre - Thriller
To create an eery and tense atmosphere my group decided to turn out the lights and we used a torch on the camera to make some light as typically light coming from underneath you is seen as being scary. We only used this light for the person in the foreground to highlight his facial features and to also darken out the fact there was somebody watching him without him actually knowing. We also only keep the light on the person in the foreground because the genre was horror and typically that how most horror movie posters look like.